This is our on-line diary posted by Lee and Darren De Louche - detailing accounts of what they have been doing and where, and how Yaluwa has been able to help.

Their journal also gives us a definitive assessment of Yaluwa's impact with feedback from the locals.


Lee & Daz : Diary Update 4

Sri Lanka : 16 - 19 June, 2005 .


Daz drove the Tuk Tuk up to Peraliya, where we stopped in to see Chamila and check out progress on the furniture shop along the road.

Chamila's juice bar is looking well with the new cabinets in place, and we were presented with our paintings, by Buddhika, the local young artist. Yaluwa helped him keep his talent on track with some new materials.

Indralatha showed us around her new home/showroom and seemed happy with the results. Buddhika is going to paint a Jersey-Yaluwa flag on the side, visible to all as you pass Peraliya and head into Hikkaduwa.


Back at the Imperial Hotel in Hikkaduwa, we used the little remaining funds to help out Kolin's mother, who was badly injured in the tsunami. Kolin helped Lee out of the water and got him to hospital on the 26th, and since then his mother hasn't been able to use the bathroom due to her injuries. We have modified her building to try and give her back some dignity during these difficult times.

After some final goodbye's it was back in Lal's van up to Colombo to reflect back on the madness involved in the last few weeks, and plan our next moves....

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